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The Faith Linking in Action board wants to commend the Bangor City Council for recognizing how crucial it is for our city to provide public restrooms for our residents and visitors. Anyone of us who has walked around our city, or anywhere else for that matter, has known the desperate feeling of “I need a restroom! Where can I go?” and “Will I make it in time?” We can also imagine that desperate feeling when compounded by being without a home.
Concern about homelessness and the daily indignities and issues these folks are up against is painful to observe, and we rightfully want to forge a path to the availability of clean, safe and year-round 24/7 restroom options. Visitors and housed residents also will benefit from public restroom availability. We appreciate the care taken researching solutions made by other cities, especially the ones with service areas like Bangor.
In addition, holding public forums gave city residents an opportunity to speak their minds, make suggestions and air their concerns. This type of decision-making process demonstrates responsible leadership.
Peg Olson
Faith Linking in Action Board