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Dogs and puppies raised in federally licensed puppy mills depend on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for protection from cruelty. But far too often, the USDA fails to uphold its responsibility to enforce the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), leaving vulnerable dogs and puppies exposed to harm and suffering. These animals often suffer at the hands of repeat offenders.
Over the past two years, violation after violation continues to break way into the news, but unfortunately, the USDA doesn’t seem to speak up about it. The agency instead apparently ignores the devastating conditions that these dogs live in, all while licensees are reaping profits in this industry.
Goldie’s Act would help protect animals at federally licensed breeding facilities by requiring USDA inspectors to intervene when an animal is suffering and notify local law enforcement agencies in circumstances of suspected cruelty and neglect. The bill would also enact better inspections and more meaningful penalties for AWA violations. I urge Sen. Susan Collins to cosponsor Goldie’s Act and support its inclusion in the Farm Bill.
Kim Schwickrath
Old Orchard Beach