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If even half of our next president’s threats and promises come true once he is inaugurated, Sen. Susan Collins will doubtless have numerous opportunities to use her voice on behalf of women’s rights, democratic principles, the rights of new Americans, and the rule of law. Collins is known as a hard worker in Congress who also brings federal resources back to her home state. She occupies positions of influence. She gets heard.
Yet I predict she will not speak up enough. In spite of her unbroken record of votes in the Senate, and in spite of all she does for the state of Maine, I believe she still lacks the courage to put her job on the line for the greater good. Consider her relative silence throughout the Trump reelection campaign. Consider Brett Kavanaugh.
Every time Collins encounters her Margaret Chase Smith moments, I believe that she lets us down.
Collins owes her country more than she has delivered so far.
Craig Kesselheim
Southwest Harbor