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To be honest, I expected more from our senior senator, Susan Collins, who, it appears, questions and condemns America’s judicial system, one of the three pillars of our nation’s constitutional heritage.
Over the years, Maine has been fortunate to have responsible, reasonable, reflective and effective representation. Senators Margaret Chase Smith, Bill Cohen, Edmund Muskie, George Mitchell and Angus King come to mind.
It seems that Sen. Collins has abandoned any sense of a calm, reflective, measured and thoughtful response to the felony conviction of President Donald Trump and, rather, has jumped on the MAGA bandwagon in condemning what she says is the politicization of America’s judicial system.
Collins could have talked about the constitutional evolution of courts and the judiciary system in America: the 6th Amendment right to a jury trial; representation by an attorney; the 5th and 14th due process amendments and the presumption of innocence, all rights afforded Donald Trump in his trial.
How sad she didn’t.
Joel B. Russ