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Where are Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King about Donald Trump’s nominees? Getting them on the record would seem to be important. A few days ago Sen. Collins essentially said the FBI will take care of it. Way to pass the proverbial buck! I am sure she thinks there are checks and balances in place that will hold Trump at bay. Sen. King hasn’t said much since the middle of November. So politely cautious. They should be yelling “danger” from the rooftops.
This next month will be about setting the tone for the Trump presidency. Trump is clear about his intentions. His nominations for his administration span the rather short gamut from insane to just really concerning. If that’s how he begins this presidency, it implies he will go far with the same rash, thoughtless decision-making processes he is using now.
Forget nominating people by the depth of their experience. It’s a party for super loyalists, friends, super donors and family. If there’s not a position for a friend, make one up (will the FBI vet a position that Trump just created?) Ambassadorships are a great place for family members. A show on Fox “News” is the perfect audition for secretary of something. And Trump is off and running.
In light of that, being cautious and polite is really dangerous. It gives Trump the impression he can do anything he wants. Why are Collins and King not saying more? Why? If they don’t stand up to Trump now, I believe there will be hell to pay after Jan. 20.
Jo Trafford