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A recent column in the Bangor Daily News stated “Despite the verdict in New York….he [Trump] and his lawyers, aided by a dose of luck, have succeeded in postponing any final reckoning until after Election Day.”
It’s not luck. I think it’s corruption. Trump provided loyalist Aileen Cannon a judgeship for life and I believe she is repaying him. A grand jury of ordinary Americans, with nothing to gain, indicted Trump for withholding classified documents and obstruction of justice.
After her pro-Trump ruling was reversed by the circuit court, Cannon delayed setting a trial date without reason, and now has announced she will set no trial date at this time.
I believe this is a naked display of partisan and personal interest, and it should not be countenanced. There is a nationwide grassroots effort to remove Cannon and demand that an independent judge be assigned for a speedy trial.
Joyce Schelling