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When I was working as a clinical social worker, I heard about Chip Curry from some of the people I worked with. They said there was a good guy at the University of Maine in Rockland who helped people get into and through college. He was kind, funny and had practical ideas. They told me how he helped them organize applications, transportation and class schedules so they could still work and maintain their families. He understood the challenges working people faced when attempting to complete higher education and get better jobs.
Now that I am retired I am supporting Chip Curry in his bid to return to the state Senate for an additional reason. The Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling in June 2022 took decisions about abortion away from pregnant women and gave it to state legislatures. Many states have enacted various restrictions or bans on abortion as a result. Maine however has held firm against the many challenges to reproductive rights. Although every legislative session anti-abortion bills fill the docket, occupying legislators’ time, Mainer’s continue to believe this is a personal decision. And Chip Curry is one of the many state legislators who has voted consistently for women’s right to determine their own fertility. He has not backed down to bullying or overly emotional tactics regarding making abortion illegal or inaccessible. He has supported women’s personal decision making about abortion without fail and without limitations.
I encourage everyone who can to vote for Chip Curry’s return to our Maine Senate.
Lisa Kushner