Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to letters@bangordailynews.com
Kudos to the Bangor Daily News for the excellent investigative reporting on Neo-Nazi Christopher Polhaus who was planning a Neo-Nazi militia training camp in Springfield, Maine, in 2023. The article and ensuing publicity led to legislation against these types of militia groups and caused him to abandon his plans for Maine.
Unfortunately he has apparently resurfaced in Springfield, Ohio, ( according to an article in the BDN on Sept. 18) to spread lies about Haitian immigrants and as a result bringing turmoil to a city that welcomed them to help rebuild their economy. The BDN is a beacon in Maine to keep us informed on local and national issues of importance.
This is a shining example of why we need to support local news organizations and local investigative factual reporting. Please subscribe and/or donate to the BDN to keep Mainers informed.
James Curtis