Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to letters@bangordailynews.com
I think Maine’s 2nd Congressional District would be well-served by another term for Rep. Jared Golden on Nov. 5. I have been dismayed by the anti-Golden ads, which feature people complaining that Golden has inexplicably changed his mind on gun regulations — as if he had reversed himself for no reason at all.
The real story is that Lewiston, which also happens to be Golden’s hometown, suffered a major tragedy on Oct. 25, 2023. Eighteen people were killed and 13 people injured by a man with a semi-automatic rifle. Why doesn’t the ad for his opponent say that instead of implying that Golden changed his mind for no apparent reason? Saying that Golden simply reversed himself on guns is incorrect, and I think it is tantamount to erasing the people who died or were injured one year ago. I can only imagine what their families are thinking when they see those ads. It is maddening and heartbreaking.
Jared Golden deserves our vote on Nov. 5. He has served us well in the U.S. House of Representatives for Maine Congressional District 2. The 2nd District is not an easy district to serve as it is a geographically large district, and we have diverse opinions on important matters.
Golden deserves another term, and we deserve a representative who is willing to look at common-sense gun safety.
Sally Melcher-McKeagney
Election notice: The BDN will stop accepting letters and columns related to the Nov. 5 election on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Not all submissions can be published.