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Let us not make momentous decisions based on anger. Doing so has started many wars that hurt all involved, forever. Government has always been corrupted by money and the power that goes with it. Politicians rotate through the system but big money is always there. We Americans must shoulder some responsibility for allowing big money to tighten its grip on our country.
We gain strength by taking responsibility, not by blaming and complaining. Every once in a while someone comes along who captures that anger, using it to their own advantage. We have an individual who makes clear that if elected they will destroy their enemies and rip everything apart. While our anger at the dysfunction of government might tempt us to destroy our government, as opposed to scraping out the evil of money, we might want to look at dictatorships around the world to see how very hard it is to come back to democracy once it has fallen.
It’s only by citizen action at the ground level that we can keep what works, and eliminate what doesn’t. Three things hurting our country right now are the lack of civility towards our neighbors; the degree to which money controls everything; and the climate catastrophe that threatens our children’s future, right in front of our eyes. On Tuesday, Nov. 5, who will give we the people the greatest chance to act — from the ground up — to take responsibility for the changes we want: Not to destroy, but to build?
Chris Wright
Election notice: The BDN will stop accepting letters and columns related to the Nov. 5 election on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Not all submissions can be published.