Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to letters@bangordailynews.com
As a recovery ally and advocate, I am writing to express my strong support for state Rep. Ambureen Rana. Ambureen has been a dedicated and tireless advocate for our community, showing time and again that she truly cares about all of us — especially those often left behind.
In her first term, Ambureen passed LD 1714, directing cannabis tax revenue to support recovery community centers. This bipartisan, grassroots effort offers critical funding to organizations that help individuals in recovery rebuild their lives. Even before she was elected, Ambureen was a steadfast advocate for marginalized populations, and her work on LD 1714 highlights her continued commitment to uplifting those too often forgotten.
Ambureen listens to people on both sides and works hard to address all her constituents’ needs. Her leadership shows she is unafraid to tackle tough issues, prioritizing community over special interests. We need leaders like Ambureen who work tirelessly for positive change and ensure everyone in our district is represented.
I strongly encourage you to join me in voting for Ambureen Rana.
Amy Clark
Election notice: The BDN will stop accepting letters and columns related to the Nov. 5 election on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Not all submissions can be published.