Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to letters@bangordailynews.com
Occasionally I’ve submitted letters to the BDN, adhering to the prescribed conditions for doing so, namely that Letters must be 250 words or fewer and include a full name, town of residence and daytime phone number. I don’t find these specifications to be particularly onerous, and have enjoyed brief chats with this newspaper’s representative who calls to ascertain that I am indeed responsible for the communication.
Having provided the necessary certification each time, I find myself wondering: Why is it that readers who communicate via your “.COMments” section are apparently not required to provide similar identification? I find it odd that their missives are usually published over frequently cutesy (but still anonymous) “noms de plume” with no further clue as to the actual identity of the writer. Perhaps I’m missing something.
Rodney L. Hanscom