Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to letters@bangordailynews.com
It would be an epic tragedy if the American electoral system were to return Donald
Trump to the presidency. By age, temperament, character and criminal history it is clear to me that he is dangerous and unfit to be president. We do not want a president who I believe is chronically angry, impulsive, vindictive, and unhinged from truth to be in command of America’s nuclear arsenal.
We saw and heard the attack of Jan. 6, 2021, with our own eyes and ears. Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election was a betrayal of his oath of office, of the Constitution, and of the American people. Our justice system has so far failed to hold him to account for his alleged crimes against our democracy. It is now up to the voters. Patriotic Americans must put country over party and vote to assure that he never returns to the Oval Office. I urge readers to join me in voting for Kamala Harris.
Richard Fortier
New Gloucester
Election notice: The BDN will stop accepting letters and columns related to the Nov. 5 election on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Not all submissions can be published.