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Maine’s roads and bridges are critical pieces to making our economy strong and quality of life improved, yet they have been under funded for years and are in urgent need of investment. Maine ranks fourth in the nation for bridges rated in poor or structurally deficient condition, a troubling statistic. Most bridges are designed to last an average of 50 years, unfortunately, nearly 60 percent of ours were built prior to 1969.
If lawmakers were to prioritize infrastructure during the 132nd Legislature, instead of passing the buck to the next generation, Maine could avoid costly emergency repairs. It should come as no surprise that updated, well-maintained roads and bridges reduce travel times, driver frustration, and lower repair bills.
Maine should act now. The cost of doing nothing is far greater than the price of proper maintenance. Continued, dedicated transportation funding will not only keep our infrastructure strong but will also support construction jobs, stimulate economic growth, and improve quality of life across our state. I urge Maine’s leaders to prioritize funding our roads and bridges.
Brian Raymond