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As our country moves forward, please reflect on the election held Nov. 5. It was an example of a diversity of people working cooperatively to achieve and exceed expectations.
This letter is a shout of gratitude and appreciation to every individual that ensured the success of this election process. Included are: those who prepared the buildings in which voting took place; public works employees who set up the voting booths and transported a myriad of other supplies; the town staffs who worked with the public in areas of education, registration, ballot distribution and collection; the community poll workers who filled multiple jobs; the security provided by public safety departments; the hard work of deputy clerks and clerks in every community throughout the state; the implementation and coordination by the secretary of state who ensured the process followed the letter of the law. Thank you.
This election is now over, and the real work begins. As citizens of this country, try to emulate those who worked tirelessly so every individual’s voice was respected and heard. Continue that process by accepting the responsibility that we each have a social contract to raise our country one person at a time.
Jane Jarvi
Eric Jarvi