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Letter: Susan Collins will stand up like Maine senators before her 


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As a seventh-generation Mainer, I write this letter out of deep concern for the future of our country. We Mainers have a reputation for being practical, common-sensical, tenacious, and honest, and those are the qualities we need more than ever in our government and our society. Right now, I believe we especially need those qualities in the U.S. Senate. Through the power of advise and consent, the Senate seems to be the body that can most effectively protect the Constitution and the citizenry from those who would bend Republican senators to Donald Trump’s will “until they snap in half” as a Trump transition team member was quoted as saying by Asawan Subsaeng and Andrew Perez in Rolling Stone on Nov. 15.

We cannot allow Donald Trump to break the Constitution, the rule of law, and the legislative branch of our government. It is my hope that Sen. Susan Collins, as a long-serving Republican voice of reason and moderation, and her like-minded senators, will not allow themselves to be bent or broken by a president who seemingly has no interest in serving anyone but himself.

Our country is counting on her and her fellow senators to have the strength, clarity, and courage to defend us against almost-certain chaos and destruction. Not confirming the dubious and dangerous nominations for important positions of power within the executive branch and not allowing recess appointments to subvert the Senate’s power of advise and consent are of paramount importance.

I wish Sen. Collins every success in the coming battles. Maine has a long history of dedicated and effective senators like Margaret Chase Smith, Bill Cohen, and Olympia Snowe. I have faith that Collins will step up and speak out as Smith did during the McCarthy rampage and Cohen did as a freshman congressman in casting a vote to impeach Richard Nixon, the leader of his own party. Collins should please uphold that fine and brave tradition and not allow what I view as a wannabe tyrant to take complete control of our republic.

Catherine J.S. Lee

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