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Doc Wallace’s letter to the Bangor Daily News of Nov. 15 represents the feeling of many Republicans when he says he was offended by being called “fascists” and “garbage” and he calls for “respectful political coexistence.” An admirable goal shared by many. The “garbage” remarks were shortly retracted and disavowed by most Democrats.
I ask, where were these ideals, principles and sense of common respect when the MAGA party was calling Democrats Marxist, communist, enemies of the state, vermin and other derogatory names, day after day for years. There are large signs and flags all over saying “F- Biden” and “F- Democrats”.
How offended do you think honest, dedicated, loving family members, active community volunteers, persons of faith and proud Maine citizens felt being called these names, year after year? Many Republicans have not only never rejected the inflammatory and demeaning language that MAGA people have been using but they seem to enjoy wallowing in the depths of derogatory language.
For respectful political coexistence to exist, people and organizations have to hold themselves to the same moral and ethical standard that they want their political opposition to adhere to. Today would be an excellent day to reinvigorate that principle.
Rollin Thurlow