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I am an old man, which may explain why I do not get the current generation: Veterans who vote to quit NATO and embrace Russia; family farmers who choose a man who wants to abolish the Department of Agriculture; teachers who are okay with politicians designing their curriculum; women who don’t mind the government controlling their bodies; attorneys who agree that the 14th Amendment (birthright citizenship) should be erased; physicians for whom anti-vaccine policy makes a good Health and Human Services secretary; patriots who approve a soon-to-be president who says he is above the Constitution.
Could this be a result of our having annulled the draft? As of 1973, no American has been called upon to serve the nation. We are now a population for whom being an American costs nothing. Sure, we pay income tax, but that’s a nuisance, not a commitment. Nothing is asked of us. Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty, or give me death!” has become “Give me a break.” The result is most of us have no idea what goes on in Washington, or care.
I have veteran plates on my car, and often passersby offer, “Thank you for your service.” Yes, of course I appreciate it, but what I would really like to say is, “If you want to thank me, volunteer to serve three years.” Serving in uniform teaches us that freedom is not free. A nation that doesn’t teach that to every generation is in for an unpleasant future.
Stefan Nadzo