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Article ll, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, the “advice and consent” clause, gives senators the power to evaluate and confirm presidential nominees to positions in the federal government. I believe that President-elect Donald Trump is proposing unqualified individuals to lead the Justice Department, the Defense Department, the National Intelligence apparatus, the Health and Human Services Department and other critical positions in the federal government.
The president-elect would like the Senate to allow him to make “recess appointments,” bypassing the “advice and consent” powers of the Senate. The Senate must insist that the “advice and consent” clause be respected by allowing hearings to determine nominees’ qualifications.
It’s up to us as citizens in a democracy to voice our concerns by contacting our senators. We can call their offices or contact them through their websites. U.S. Sen. Susan Collins has already announced her intention to run for re-election in 2026, which should make her particularly interested in what constituents are thinking.
Mary Ann Larson